Monday, September 10, 2007

Adit and Aditi’s Birthday!

Dhmaal = 20 12-year-old kids in an 8 x 20 foot room during a birthday party.

My cousins, Adit and Aditi, had their 12th birthday party today with all the usual elements, cake, games, balloons, toys, and a few dozen 12 year-olds fueled by chocolates and candies for the 5-hour party.

The group of kids was roughly half boys, Adit’s friends, and half girls, Aditi’s friends, and the differences between the two groups were numerous. Most of Adit’s friends arrived first and almost immediately began their style of WWF wrestling, usually ending with several kids piled on top of one another on the sofas. Meanwhile, the girls were quietly sitting in another room, talking about films, listening to music and doing each others’ hair. After the boys had gone downstairs to play cricket, the girls took over the main room, and with some help from Samir Mama started an impressive pillow fight, showing that girls too can play rowdy.

Mama eventually corralled all the kids together to play some games, one of which I also participated to make the teams even. Mama filled a backpack full of 40 odd objects, and then each team member took turns trying to blindly pick out the object Mama told them to get. The team that can get the most objects wins. Of course, my team won, just beating out Aditi’s team by one object. Heehee.

After I helped Malan Mami serve all of the kids lunch of pav bhaji and pizza, the kids crowded around the cake while Mama lit the candles. I had to resort to using a chair to try to get a picture of the cake, which led to all of kids throwing up their hands trying to block my shot. After cake, Mama brought in two balloons filled with small toys and confetti. One he popped for the girls and the other for the boys, but soon everyone was scrambling around on the floor going for the best toy. And, of course, the confetti got everywhere despite Mami and mine best attempts to vacuum them up. I saw some in the lift shaft just yesterday!

By the end of the party the girls were back to listening to music while the boys were playing DragonballZ on Adit’s new PS2, and by 7pm all the guests had left and the twins could finally tear into all the gifts they had been given. Adit received a ton of PS2 games along with a board game and a nice pen, while Aditi received a couple of books, a purse, earrings, and a cute music box.


Saket said...

hahahah 'dhmaal!'

great post

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!